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Clearing and transforming challenging issues, patterns, and life situations with Divine Energy Healing.

Working with Divine Energy Healing can be very systematic and thorough and create deeper effects as it can address conditioning that is out of reach for our ordinary human/spiritual energy, consciousness, and comprehension.

Increase your level of internal space and freedom.
This has a direct influence on your sense of self.

Improve your capability to be and act differently where you’ve felt stuck and overwhelmed before.
This has a direct impact on where your life is going and how you live it.

The process of healing and awakening is like undoing the mess that was painted over a true masterpiece.

The mess belongs to the domain of the ego, and the results can be seen as issues and challenges you face on day-to-day life — both inside and outside.

Underneath the mess is your eternal essence — beautiful, precious, and intact.

Your job — should you feel the calling to take action — is to attend to everything that doesn't reflect the truth of your being deep within yourself. 

Divine Energy Healing may provide you with the added dimension, power, and capability to heal, awaken, and transfrom what is covering who/what you are deep inside. 


Working With The Divine To Help Transform What Is Not Working For You.

Although we are looking for a change, healing our issues, health concerns, and challenging life situations is only a part of our spiritual journey.

The other part is to awaken into and deeply embody the uniqueness of our Essence.

In fact, I believe it's our ability to recognize, connect, and express/live our True Essence that we're ultimately after.

Yet, we are thoroughly frustrated and disheartened that there is something within us that is preventing us from doing it properly. 

For that, we're looking to find an answer.

Meet Timo Kiviö

What I Do

The More You Remove The Clouds, The More You'll Be Able To See The Sun.

Our issues are like clouds that not only hide but also

make us forget the Sun — our Essence.

What's even worse, they create a false sense of identity (as if we were our issues), resulting in a deep sense of separation and disconnection from the Wholeness of Life. 

This creates a deep sense of lack and loss — a feeling that something very important is missing.

We've tried to do all kinds of things to fill that void, but in vain.

Restoring the presence of Wholeness can be done by reducing that which upholds our sense of separation by clearing, transforming, and awakening conditioning and identity that form our deepest issues and our sense of separation.

Is Being Unwell Your New Normal?

Many people suffer from infections, low-grade inflammation, and chronic conditions which cause their immune systems to become weak, exhausted, and overloaded.

As a result, you may find yourself chronically tired, low on energy, and falling sick more easily.

Pills and medication may not always be the solution as they become less and less effective in the long run — and they can even become a part of the problem.

Sometimes diet and other lifestyle changes may be ineffective too.

Utilizing divine energy healing to rejuvenate and energize the energy system can act as an important part of the solution.

It seeks to strengthen the body and immune system and diminish the grip of possible infections and low-grade inflammation, giving the body a chance to start its recovery back into balance. 

Your Journey Of Healing And Awakening

It takes a lot of time and effort (and money too) to clear our deepest issues, ailments, and challenging life situations.

This is because their conditioning (unprocessed material from the past) is incredibly deep, diverse, and complex. 

Committing to a deeper and longer process will help you discover and transform what would otherwise stay hidden (and thus continue to keep you stuck with your present situation). 

Making a strong commitment to your healing process is a real game changer as it points your internal compass to True North — towards those things that matter the most.

Get that conditioning cleared

Our issues, ailments, and life situations are highly influenced by conditioning (unprocessed material from the past), creating strong and prolonged symptoms, issues, disease, and imbalance in your body, mind, consciousness, and energy system.

It can also create emotional instability and false self-identification, distorting who you experience yourself to be and create recurring negative patterns, issues, and life-situations.

That is why your role is to find proper ways to clear conditioning as deeply and thoroughly as possible.

It will serve as the foundation for your real transformation.

The changes will follow

As you follow through your internal process, any decrease in internal limitations (caused by you clearing conditioning) increases your level of inner freedom and improves your ability to think and act differently.


This means that you can create a different life.

It also means that going forward, your life will be based more on your true values rather than conditioning.

This is the type of life we all long for in our hearts.

But there is more :)

Although we seek to heal our issues, ailments, and challenging life situations, another goal of healing is to also improve your ability to recognize, awaken into, embody, express, and live by the uniqueness of your Essence — your True Being.

Your ability to live the change is a combination of how deeply and thoroughly you clear and transform what hides your Essence and how well you embody this "new" reality as it becomes more accessible within.


The deeper the embodiment, the better the ability to live Your Reality — Your Truth.

Take a Quiz

Below, you'll find a link to a Quiz that helps you find out how you score with four fundamental building blocks of a healing journey.

Upon the completion of the Quiz, you are welcome to schedule a FREE 30-minute phone consultation with me to discuss the results of your Quiz. 

I’ll see you on the other side! :)

What Our Clients Say About Us



I am immensely grateful for finding you! You are very good at your work and it is always so great to observe people who are great at what they do. It’s art. And it is actually quite funny to think how big of a role you’ve had in my life. Although this is just the beginning, within myself I know this is the biggest turning point at least in this life if not across many lifetimes. I am sincerely grateful to you - thank you! <3"



Being alive feels very good! Having a tumor in my breast has been one of the most stopping experiences of my life. Whenever it comes to mind, I am grateful that it wasn’t more serious and that right now I can breathe and be happy. It feels very important that we had these healings. This whole thing has made me grow a lot."



These sessions have had a profound effect on my sense of self and led to significant changes in how I live my daily life. Thank you."


Schedule a FREE 30-Minute Phone Consultation

Discussing Details, Challenges, and Possibilities

On this FREE phone consultation we will:

  • Discuss your current situation 

  • Determine the main source of difficulty

  • Discuss if / how healings could help provide what you are looking for

  • Determine if we are a good fit to embark on this journey together

  • Find answers to any questions you might have about the process

  • Discuss practical matters on how to proceed

Click Below to Begin Your Journey

NOTE: Please mark this call in your calendar before you show up (you will get a reminder as soon as you complete the form)